Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I've moved!

Check out my new blog...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

winter weight

so why does everyone add a few pounds in the winter that go away when
it's sunny again? is it the slothfulness that the cold encourages? is
it the inactivity since you have to stay near a heater and several
layers of clothes? or is it the heavier foods that make winter menus
more fun?

none of those reasons.

it's because when it's cold out side, you don't sweat. nope, not even
if you run outside. but then when the warmer weather comes, you sweat.
you loose that extra water weight that builds up on during the winter.

maybe that's also why more people get sick during the winter.

speaking of winter, how about that global warming?!?

what floridians do when it snows

it's the second weekend in march and it decides to snow. not just any snow. a full foot of snow. that's more than i've seen in louisville in the three years i've been here... combined.
there we were, all excited about spring, warm air, grass growing, planting a garden again, grilling, lazy sunny afternoons, sandals, and sweating. sorry shorts and t-shirts, mother nature says not yet.

so what do floridians do when it snows like this? first, they put on all of their clothing. not just a jacket, they put on literally everything that they own. then, they buy cheap sleds at walmart and race down the biggest hill they can find. 
yeah, we looked like tourists. so what. we're from florida. we deserve to be the tourists every now and then.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

welcome home

so this is how our cat, bella, expresses her gratitude and excitement when i come home.
or, it could just be that she likes my bag because it is warm from the car.